Learn About Cosmetic Surgery Prices and More!

Quick Glance at Cosmetic Surgery Prices

Cosmetic surgery prices have long been recognized as reaching up to the thousands of dollars. Yet, many people who are not earning enough to afford the cosmetic surgery prices, still yearn to get cosmetic surgery. This is because of the promise of a better life with a better face and figure.

The reality is beauty gets you inside the door, or at the very least, a foot in the door. People are friendlier to beautiful people. This is mainly why surgery will always be around.

If you want to have something fixed, you need to at least know what the average cosmetic surgery prices are. Thus, here is a simple breakdown of the most commonly done cosmetic surgeries and the average cosmetic surgery prices.


This is a procedure that you would want to have if you have excess fat around specific areas. The more commonly worked on areas are the upper arms, middle torso, back, legs, and sometimes, even face. The average cosmetic surgery prices for liposuction is $2,700.

Smart Liposuction

Just like the traditional liposuction but using more modern equipment, this surgery will cost you $3,000

Lower Body Lift

This is one of the most expensive single cosmetic surgery procedure at $8,000. It aims to provide more contour and shape to the lower body.


The ultimate cosmetic surgery procedure is the facelift. It removes wrinkles, sagging or loosened skin from aging, and makes one look amazingly younger. You can have this done to at an average cosmetic surgery price of $6,300.

Breast Reduction

This procedure is more requested by men than women. Men find it embarrassing to have protruding breasts because it makes them look less of a man. To have something like this done, it would cost an average cosmetic surgery price of $5,600.

Breast Augmentation

This comes in two forms: silicon implants which costs $4,100; or saline solution injections which is cheaper at $3,600. If you want the implants removed at a later date, it will cost you about $2,100.

Breast Lift

This turns sagging breasts into younger looking breasts, and carries a price tag of $4,300.

Here Are Some Tips On What To Look For When Choosing A Cosmetic Surgeon

If you are on the last leg of your decision to finally get that cosmetic surgery you’ve been saving for, then this means you are now choosing your cosmetic surgeon. Here are some tips you will definitely find useful to know, or what to look for when choosing a cosmetic surgeon.

1. Who can recommend this cosmetic surgeon? Talk to the person who has heard or knows the cosmetic surgeon, and try to get as much details as possible. This is very important, (and don’t consider it gossip) because he will be slicing you open to either get that excess fat out, remove something, or put something in.

2. Find out about his medical training and surgical experience. It has to be as extensive with high ratings so much so that you get impressed with it, and be willing to risk your surgery on him. A cosmetic surgery, or any surgery for that matter, will always have an element of risk. The point in researching about what to look for when choosing a cosmetic surgeon would be to minimize the risk factor so that the surgery is successful and incident-free. By checking the cosmetic surgeon’s medical training and surgical experience, you should be able to get a clearer picture of his skills.

3. The Board Certification of Surgeons is an important element in your decision. He should be on the list of accredited surgeons. The Board Certification of Surgeons will also be a positive sign of his professional skills and ethics as a doctor.

4. Of course, having a great bedside manner will be an amazing icing on the top. But this should never be the deciding factor. It’s like choosing the cute guy over the nondescript guy, regardless of skill.

5. Finally, the surgeon’s hospital affiliations should be impressive. The surgeon should have recognition from one or more of the top hospitals in the country. A surgeon’s hospital affiliations will also let you know his quest for excellence since we all know that some hospitals are more stringent about the qualifications of their listed surgeons and doctors.

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